Every sample is EQ’d, lightly compressed, tuned and limited to you the best possible product. SoundHack Delay Bundle is a group of four plugins derived from the same basic delay algorithm: a hermite interpolated delay line with variable modulation, and a feedback loop with dc blocking and saturation. ZUB Bass currently ships with over 560 44k, 24-bit samples with competitively priced expansions coming in the future. The only way to provide the best quality bass was to spend hours over every sample and to create many of them.

Being a Kontakt Instrument, all the knobs can be automated if you choose.
Every patch has ADSR knobs built in the GUI and an additional ZS or Zub Slide Knob (portamento slide) built into the main interface. The Freesound Bundle includes +chebyshev (distortion), +decimate (bit depth Soundhack updates Freesound Bundle to v6.0. Developer Tom Soundhack updates Freesound Bundle to v6.0.2 Soundhack has updated Freesound Bundle to version 6.0.2. Rather then fatten the Libary with unusable patches for marketing purposes, Zub Bass has 15 “no corner cut” patches. Soundhack has released a public beta of +delay, a delay VST effect plug-in for Mac. The beauty of Zub Bass is its ease of use and its uncompromising quality. Zub Bass is a purpose built, Kontakt 5.6 Sub Bass patch and sample library that was created by a musician currently living off his art. Clicking these and making a purchase will directly. Disclosure: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. Cross-synthesis between two soundfiles with. AU, auto-tune, FFT, Granular, looper, MIDI, pitch shift and time stretch, RTAS, Soundhack, vocoder, VST. Time stretching or pitch shifting with the phase vocoder or varispeed. My original application still ticking, still swooshing, still awfully useful (original release October 26, 1991). Applications soundhack Spectral Sound Processing for the Macintosh.
Imagine using a product that is not suffering from an “Identity Crisis”. The Pvoc Kit bundle for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/RTAS) is available to purchase for 99 USD. V8.03 Win 32bit VST V8.03 Win 64bit VST AAX versions are available for purchase from the aax page.
Using the Rate control can add some of that pitch drag but if you clock the delay externally then the Rate can move without any of those artefacts.ZUB Bass virtual instrument is a free bass sound bank for Kontakt, by IRMG Audio. But as you move from one Zone to another there’s none of that familiar doppler pitch shifting effect, it moves seamlessly and instantaneously from one to another. It can all the way from millisecond plates, flanging and chorus too long looping delays. Product Version 1.0 Product Version 1.0 Tags: Lo-Fi +decimate VST Soundhack Effect Formats Copy Protection None My KVR - Groups, Versions, & More 20 KVR members have added +decimate VST to 6 My KVR groups 23 times. The first fruits of this are the four plug-ins in the Spectral Shapers suite. “Zone” is an interesting one it sets the range of the delay time from short to long delays. +decimate VST by Soundhack is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for macOS and Windows. Recognising that many people now find it more convenient to work with real-time plug-ins in a sequencing environment, Erbe is now in the process of adapting Soundhack's tools for the VST and Audio Units plug-in formats. The Rate controls the delay time (within the time zone) and this can be affected by the “Skew” button which offsets the left and right channels of the stereo output so that they are different lengths. These are all fed into each other and affect one another over time. The Repeat dictates the feedback of the delay whereas Halo adds a bit of smear to the repeats whereas Colour brightens or darkens the tone. These work together to shape the character and generate the repeating audio derived from the input. Most recently Tom has released SoundHack Pvoc Kit, the second of a planned set of three plugin bundles to bring extreme spectral processing to the VST. “Mimeo” could be a reference to experimental electroacoustic free improvisation group M.I.M.E.O which you can go and Google, but in the video they do mention a Mimeograph which is an old pre-photocopier duplicating machine that uses stencils – that sounds more likely.Īnyway, the key elements of Mimeophon are Repeats, Halo and Colour.